Home > Causes > Scolarship and after school tutoring

Give children access to school and tutoring to allow them to conduct their studies successfully!

We give to the families living in the slums of Bangalore, in India the opportunity to educate their children while providing tuition, uniforms, books, schoolbag and stationery. In order to help all children succeed, volunteers provide support twice a week after school.

With a gift of only € 25 per month, a student will be fully equipped and go to school for a year.

Your donation of € 25 per month will cover tuition fees, uniform, school bag, books and school supplies for one student for one year.

With a donation of additional € 8 per month, a student will be vaccinated, and receive a healthy and nutritious breakfast every day of the school year.

With your donation, a student will be able to attend school!

Help us build the future for 20 children by collecting enough funds to support their education